
Hello all! My name is Lacey Ackerman; I am a justice major at UAF. If all goes well, I should be graduating this coming May. I was born and raised in Fairbanks, Alaska, where I still reside with my partner and two cats. When I can find free time, I enjoy reading fantasy novels, attending local sporting events, and attempting to cook new recipes. 

Last year, I was struggling to find a humanities course that interested me. Although I had little experience in drawing, or creating any other art for that matter, a co-worker convinced me to take Beginning Drawing. I was astonished to see how my drawing skills had progressed over the semester. Sadly, I have not found the time to continue drawing, but I am so glad I took a drawing class and am looking forward to another art course. 

As previously mentioned, my favorite books are of the fantasy genre. This watercolor painting depicts "Bag End" from JRR Tolkien's The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings. Fun fact, I have the same birthday as Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. I have previously purchased a print of this painting from TheColorfulCatStudio's  Etsy shop. I really enjoy this artist's work. 


  1. I am also a fantasy fiction fan. This year my goal is to read all 12 books from the Wheel of Time series. I even belong to an online fantasy book community that is run by a BookTuber. I recognized Bag End right away. Wonderful watercolor.

  2. I think you must be the first Justice Major I have met at UAF, what a cool degree to be getting thats really exciting! hopefully once you're all done with classes you could find the free time to draw again. The blog post looks great!

  3. Hi Lacey! Its cool that you've taken Beginning Drawing. I am definitely not a naturally talented artist, and the thought of taking a drawing class is really intimidating to me. I love the watercolor you chose! I have a couple of Lord of the Rings inspired decorations and paintings in my room, but none of them are quite as cool as this one.

  4. Hey Lacey,
    Reading your name, the first thing I thought of was this character from an anime called "Attack on Titans". It's very interesting that your birthday is the same as Bilbo and Frodo Baggins. "The Hobbit" and "Lord of the Rings" series are one of my favorite series to read because of the adventures, magic, fantasy lands and other things that always made my mind think of different images.

  5. I like the Lord of the Rings and the Hobbit too! I just finished reading The Hobbit of the Break and am now in the middle of the lotr. Love the painting!

  6. hi lacey! i also love reading, and trying to cook new things. i hope the best for you and that youll be able to graduate this spring!

  7. Hi Lacey! I really love the use of watercolor in this this painting, great choice! I too love fantasy stories as well! One day I hope to finish reading Tolkien's work.


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